Video: Why being rejected can be a great business opportunity
Video: Why being rejected can be a great business opportunity
26 maart 2014 

Video: Why being rejected can be a great business opportunity

A harsh rejection is sometimes a golden business opportunity in disguise. But only if you know how to convert that rejection into an opportunity . This week's WhyGirl Kelly Jorritsma shares with you how a painful rejection kickstarted her dream of becoming a fashion designer. Kelly used to work in an office and dreamed of a more creative life. The beginning of that dream career started when she was treated awfully at a bridal shop. March is our 'Make Money With Your Dream Month' at the and I know for sure that Kelly's story is going to inspire some rebellion in you. Or at least, I hope so
More on Kelly and her company Unielle Couture you'll find here Tell Kelly and me in the comments below what kind of rejection you've experienced and how you might turn those into great business opportunities . We would love to hear from you And if you want weekly free insights on love, work & life, subscribe to our free newsletter! [mc4wp_form]
Over de schrijver


op 27 Apr 2014

Leuk ! Ik vind bijna al je filmpjes heel leuk en ik vind dat je het ontzettend goed doet als presentatrice :) Keep up the good work.



op 30 Apr 2014

Lieve An,Dankjewel voor het mooie compliment! Altijd fijn om te horen! xZa

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